Rob Blackie campaigns to limit the impact of "Sadiq Khan’s Motorway"

Lib Dem London Mayor Candidate Rob Blackie visited Greenwich last week to launch the party’s plan to mitigate the Silvertown Tunnel’s environmental impact. He was joined by Chris Annous, our parliamentary candidate for Greenwich and Woolwich, along with other party members at the construction site for the Silvertown Tunnel. Dubbing it the "Sadiq Khan Motorway”, Blackie named the project after the Mayor who ignored environmental campaigners’ concerns and pushed ahead with the polluting tunnel.
With construction well underway, Blackie expressed disappointment that a cancellation was no longer viable. The tunnel is set to open in 2025 and road users will pay tolls potentially as high as £5.00 per crossing through both the Silvertown and neighbouring Blackwall tunnels.
Unveiling his plan to “Green The Tunnel” Rob Blackie said: “Our ambition is to make it accessible to low-carbon vehicles only, shine a light on the real environmental impact of the tunnel from day one and to soften the blow on local residents with a significant discount on the toll."
Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Greenwich and Woolwich Chris Annous agrees, saying: “It is deeply unfair to force local residents in Greenwich, who will already have to endure the increased pollution and congestion the Silvertown Tunnel will bring to our area, to bear the financial costs of the tunnel as well. From speaking to hundreds of local residents on the doorstep, I know that, like myself, people are really struggling with the cost of living right now. I therefore greatly welcome Rob Blackie’s commitment to introduce a significant discount from the planned toll for Greenwich residents if he is elected as Mayor."